The existing financial system validates, rewards, and virtually enforces the colonization and commondification of the commons by money, the degradation of the commons (notably the biosphere) by profit-seeking, the utter dependence of people on the money system, and the abstraction of money into a global casino capable of bringing down the whole civilization. This life-degrading and unsustainable social invention is in urgent need of transformation and the emerging economy offers many avenues for changing it into a life-serving subset of a larger healthy economy.
Most importantly the emerging economic enterprise removes current official forms of money from their central dominant role in economic theory and practice, enabling other forms and systems of currency, credit, value and economic relationship to flourish. Quality of life, decentralization, and stewardship of the commons become central organizing principles. Corporations are constrained and rechartered into service to the common good, with a recognition that nature, people, and social life are not just exploitable resources but forms of capital - more potent even than money - that can be enhanced and invested to generate greater life, health, and commonwealth.
Natural Capital
Human Capital
Social Capital
Financial Transaction Tax
Slow Money