Emerging economy Wiki

LikeInMind Computer-aided Knowledge Network is a network of personal associations recorded on the Web. Like In Mind, our associations can interconnect even seemingly irrelevant matters and event.

LikeInMind (LiM) is a Knowledge Network of interconnected concepts, ideas, textual and visual representation of mental images, anything that makes sense and helps each particular user in finding any particular information published at LikeInMind by any participant within a few seconds of time (Findability).

LikeInMind Quick Start Guide

Features and description[]

Being one of the examples of the Ideal Knowledge Management System LikeInMind is

  • Practice, culture, method and technology of Meaningful Arrangement of Information
  • Means of Real Time Access to Particular Information of (large) groups of participants. This gives a feeling of accumulating the best knowledge of hundreds of experts on the particular topic in your head without considerable efforts from each of the participants. When needed, the authors (=experts) of the knowledge nodes can be accessed in real time and work out the best solution of your problem.
  • It is the way of quantitative estimation of the efficiency and quality of work of researchers: Measuring Science, tool for remuneration and support of the de-facto most efficient researchers.
  • The new method of self-organising highly-dynamic research groups, a new way of sharing knowledge, skills and expertise in national and international scale.
  • Technically, NOAsphere is the reflection and blending of the associative networks (Conceptual Maps) formed in individual brains into the Unified Conceptual Space (UCS). See IVAN for more on the methods of capturing, arrangement and delivery of knowledge.
  • Ultimate Intellectual Property Protection. Sharing the Intellectual Property at UCS is the best way of its protection. Keeping the knowledge undisclosed kills the priority of the author. Publishing IP at the resources other than UCS makes finding the information difficult and creates a number of problems including the ignorance of global and promotion of the local priorities of the intellectual property for whatever reasons: Local vs Global Priority of Intellectual Property
  • The new way of conservation of resources due to the elimination of reoccurring projects, research and other knowledge- and resource-intensive human activities. This means saving of billions of dollars in national scale, co-ordination of research activities: Integrated Innovation Management System.
