Emerging economy Wiki

Industrial civilization has flourished through the profligate consumption of material and human resources, driven by a combination of technical developments, profit motivations, and the increasingly scientific application of PR and mass media to generate consumer desires.

It is becoming painfully obvious that increasing material consumption cannot be sustained on a finite planet, especially when the output of all that consumption is an unending stream of garbage that is not only indigestible by nature but often ecologically or biospherically unhealthy - and when expanding consumption feeds a growing population each member of which aspires to even greater consumption.

The emerging economy is generating ways to address all these factors in both the transitional period and the envisioned sustainable, healthy, more steady-state economy. In general terms, this involves more efficient and life-serving use of materials, helping people meet their authentic needs in less material ways - including shifting their dominant narrative from earning and spending money to improving quality of life - and reducing population pressures on natural systems.

See also[]

Moneyless society

Full Employment Policies


Guranteed Income

Passions and Callings

De-Jobbing Society


Recycle / Reuse

Petrol from plastic waste

On-demand Production

Goods Become Services


Labor-saving Technology

Population Control

Satisfying Authentic Needs

Renewable Energy

Multi-use Design

Simple Living

Resource Conservation

De-growth Economy

Gift Economy

The Commons

Financial Transformation

Local Economy

Motivational Approaches